Emergency Info

Wildlife Emergencies
Direct Line for ANIMALS IN DISTRESS | 250-927-6025

Wildlife drop-off is available on-site every day, year-round.

Staff are on-site from 9am – 4:30pm.

After hours, place wildlife in the red animal admissions drop-off building (east end of parking lot).
Please DO NOT use email or Facebook message to send wildlife emergency information.

Circumstances regarding injured bears or suspected orphan bear cubs:
Please report to the Ministry/Conservation Officer service at: 1-877-952-7277
Also report to NIWRA at: 250-927-6025 or animalcare@niwra.org
What to do if you encounter injured, sick,
or orphaned wildlife
Once you have determined an animal is orphaned or injured…
If it is safe to do so, capture the animal using a towel or blanket. You may wish to wear gloves as well.
If you need assistance or advice (e.g. handling raptors), call the Emergency number.
Transport the animal to the Centre in a well-ventilated box that is lined with a towel.
Keep contact with wildlife to a minimum to eliminate stress.
Do not give the animal any food or water.
Do not place the box in your vehicle trunk or leave in a vehicle with the windows closed.
If you come across an injured seal, the first thing to do is call for help. According to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Pacific Region), seal pups should be left alone unless intervention is necessary. Please call their “Observe, Report and Record” line at 1-800-465-4336 if you need help.
NOTE: The Centre is not permitted to admit domestic or farm animals, including rabbits.

Leave fawns where they are unless they are injured or you know their mother is dead.

If you find a baby bird that has fallen from its nest, you can return it to the nest unless it is injured, cold or wet. After returning it to the nest, watch from a discreet distance to be sure the parent accepts it. Don’t alarm the parent more than necessary.